When you’re searching for a workers’ comp attorney, it’s important to make sure you meet with several potential lawyers. These meetings allow you to get an idea of how a lawyer can help you with your claim. Carter Law Offices has a list of essential questions you need to ask a Georgia workers’ compensation lawyer:
- Do I need a workers’ comp attorney? – Make a list of the circumstances of your case. How many days of work did you miss? What were your expenses for medical care and medications? Did you lose income as a result of your injury? Share these with the attorney so they can evaluate your case.
- Will it hurt my claim if the accident was my fault? – This depends on your particular situation. For example, if you were inebriated at the time of the incident, this could impact your case.
- What are all the benefits I can receive? – Your employer’s insurance company should have plans in place to cover medical bills and other expenses. Depending on your injuries, you may entitled to more extensive benefits.
- What should I tell the claims administrator? – Claims administrators are in charge of all workplace injury claims. They will be the ones to speak to you about the incident. A workers’ comp lawyer will explain the rules about what information you’re obligated to share.
- What should I tell my doctor? – You’ll need to tell your doctor everything. However, a workers’ comp attorney might have some questions for you to ask your doctor that you might not have thought about.
- Should I consider settling? – If you have serious injuries, you shouldn’t consider settling unless your physician says you are stable. An experienced workers’ comp attorney will advise you on whether your best option is to settle or to go to trial.
- Can I sue a third party? – Depending on the incident, you might be able to file a lawsuit involving a third party. For example, if you were making a work delivery and another commercial vehicle hit yours, you could potentially sue their company.
Choose a workers’ compensation attorney in Hartwell, GA who will get you the best possible results. Call the Carter Law Offices for a consultation today.